S.E. Reid

Writer, editor, poet, and occasional mystic in the PNW.

About Me

S.E. Reid is a freelance writer, editor, and poet living on a patch of wooded wetland in the Pacific Northwest with her craftsman husband and her two big goofball dogs, Finn and Huck.She loves to hear and tell stories about nature, history, ghosts, and God, and when not writing she loves to cook nourishing food, read widely, and tend to her vegetable garden.Published By:
The Ecological Disciple
Christ & Cascadia
Mysterion Online
Being Human Magazine
Bez & Co

My Work

TALEBONES (fiction)
Character-driven speculative fiction with a spiritual, supernatural, or uncanny twist. Short stories, flash fiction, and serialized tales in a variety of genres. Home of Ferris Island, WA!
Weekly devotionals, essays, and resources centering around faith, nature, poetry, and finding the Creator in Creation.

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